Healing is achieved by creating the right circumstances in the body, the right circumstances in turn, allow our body to heal itself. This is a holistic view. A deficient diet may well have contributed to the initial periodontal problems where the immune systems didn’t get every chance to fight pathogens. Therefore we give nutrition advice with the BOST treatment because healthy functioning immune systems help to keep the gums and teeth healthy. Sometimes it is a good idea to do microbiome testing of the gut as well, this can be discussed at your visit. Also the products we use for oral care are important. BOST is focussed on creating the best environment for a good oral and systemic microbiome.
Healing from the inside out.
A list of beneficial foods is given with the treatment and what foods are best avoided to keep gums and teeth healthy. For example sugar and simple carbohydrates ʻfeedʼ the pathogenic bacteria related to gum disease and increases plaque formation, so best to exclude, whereas for example black berries might be able to fight off aggressive bacteria related to gum disease. If a patient needs extensive nutrition advice, or if there are many underlying factors / systemic problems they might be referred to a nutritionist / naturopath or functional medicine doctor, who can look at underlying factors. As we have seen before, gum disease is multi-factorial and we sometimes need to explore / exclude systemic underlying problems.
Good nutrition and a healthy gastrointestinal tract are the seeds to life, and it all starts in the mouth. A positive diet supports good microbiomes.
We offer a risk assessment to check what kind of issues in the body could be related to the periodontal disease of a patient. We also often ask for a food diary, and various tests like Vitamin D, intolerance testing, omega balance etc. Most tests we have available at the clinic.