About Me

Hi, my name is Suzanne Roelofs, I’m a dentist and nutritional therapist and I run the BOST clinic in London, where complementary and conventional treatments are combined for patients suffering from gum disease. I have been a dentist for over 20 years, during which time I have treated a huge variety of patients. I studied postgraduate aesthetic dentistry in Australia and New York, nutrition at CNM London.

I am one of only five dentists worldwide who practice the treatment which I provide: Bone One Session Treatment or BOST for short. BOST is a safe, quick, minimally invasive, cost effective, health conscious alternative to extractions and implants. Performed without surgery, BOST is a fast and comfortable treatment, which attacks periodontal disease at its source: under the gums and in the bone supporting the teeth.

The mouth is part of the whole and I understand the importance of a healthy mouth to support a healthy body and vice versa. I focus on helping the whole person, teach patients and establishing a healthy oral microbiome to support general health of the mouth. Furthermore I place great emphasis on preventative dentistry as a way of maintaining good health - generally and after treatment. This naturopathic and holistic approach to gum care can help allow the mouth to heal itself naturally. My goal is for you to keep your teeth.

Main professional qualifications:

  • Member of the General Dental Council (GDC registration 82866) (2003)

  • Dentist MSC (Netherlands 2002)

  • Postgraduate CertClinDent in Aesthetics (Australia 2003)

  • Dento-facial Aesthetics (NYU New York 2009/10)

  • Nutritional Therapist (CNM London 2011)

  • BOST training with Yvan Micholt (London 2011/12)

  • Microbiome studies, INVIVO, Nouveaux Health, Microbiome and IAOMT Conferences

  • Omega 3 balance and immune function

  • Neural Therapy

  • Member of the AAOSH American Academy for Oral & Systemic Health

  • Further interests: acupuncture / herbal treatment / yoga / energy medicine / integrated cancer treatments / red light therapy / chakras / organic farming / mercury detoxing / crystal healing / homeopathy, etc.

About BOST

  • BOST is a unique combination of non-surgical treatments which can help the body to reverse naturally from the bleeding gums, loose teeth, pain and bad breath caused by periodontal gum disease.

  • In a single half-day session, the gums are gently stretched under local anaesthetic to clean out the debris, bacteria and other toxins that cause this distressing form of gum infection - no harsh chemicals and no surgery.

  • Because the whole mouth is cleaned in one treatment, there is no re-infection. The body is allowed to reverse to healthy state naturally, very often avoiding the extractions and implants so often recommended to patients.

  • BOST combines and integrates the principles of conventional and complementary medicine. There is also a lot of focus on nutrition and the general health of a person to support the health of the mouth.

  • With BOST there is NO use of potentially harmful disinfectants NOR surgery. Treatment is done in one session. Patients who have the full mouth treated within 24 hours, have much better results than 2-4 sessions a few weeks apart, as bacteria in the untreated side of the mouth have every chance to re-infect the treated side. Treatment in one session is hugely beneficial, regardless if the treatment is surgical or not.

Holistic gum treatment at the BOST Clinic can provide a great alternative to extractions and implants for people suffering from gum disease, allowing the mouth to heal itself naturally. Dr. Hoisington who developed BOST explained what happens to the bone: Traditional periodontal treatment often is concerned with how to defeat the bacteria and reduce pockets, and orthopaedic surgeons look at bone as something you should heal if it is broken. Dr Hoisington started looking at damaged periodontal bone as being broken rather than just being infected. This gave him an insight into treating periodontal disease more like a medical problem than a purely dental problem. He set up a protocol of treating the whole mouth in one session rather than in sessions, where re-infection is an obvious problem. Besides this he found that when you do an open flap procedure to get periodontal access to the bone (as with surgery), you cut off the circulation to the bone, which dries it out and you actually kill the superficial bone cells. Hence he advised on 'non-surgical gum treatment' like in BOST.

Splinting helps the teeth to stabilize even when a lot of bone is lost. The additional benefit of splinting on the front teeth is that it can have a hugely positive change in aesthetics especially when teeth have moved and created unsightly gaps. For further information see icon ‘splinting’.

Suzanne added her knowledge of nutrition to this principle from Dr Hoisington. A lot can be done for people with gum issues, even those with advanced stages of periodontal disease.